
Welcome to my blog...

What is my blog about? Hmm..Everything, and anything! Whatever I feel like putting out there for everyone. I will probably blog alot about my love of reading, my obsession with nail polish, and whatever else falls in between.

Thanks for stopping by...come again!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 8 con't..

So I went to the doctors today to find out what the heck has been going on with me.  She told me I was dehydrated, my iron levels were very low, my stress level was very high and aside from telling me not to drive for a few days until my levels go back up and give me a few more prescriptions to fill she recommended that I get rid of any stress in my life, that included people who were stressing me out.  Geez...thats a big list!  LOL  I hated to do it, but I gave my husband and son their pink slips when I got home and told them it was nothing personal, I was just following the doctors orders...LOL

I'm debating on taking off this mani tonight, or holding off for another day...either way I plan on doing a brand new mani and pedi on Saturday before leaving for Italy.  I'm going to incorporate ball with Canadian, American and Italian influences somehow....Still thinking about that one.

Well, while I go do laundry, I shall ponder this awhile longer.  If you have any suggestions, please leave your comments below...chow bella!

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