
Welcome to my blog...

What is my blog about? Hmm..Everything, and anything! Whatever I feel like putting out there for everyone. I will probably blog alot about my love of reading, my obsession with nail polish, and whatever else falls in between.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, I was on cloud nine this morning during my walk to the library. I kept replaying all the positive thoughts and what not from everyone in my head and I honestly didn't feel any pain in my legs/feet or back while doing so...
I felt I could do ANYTHING this morning on that walk..stupid me!
I make it to the library, sit for 15 min. reading before deciding to trek further on to my doctors to weigh myself. I know, I know, I only weighed myself just two days ago on Monday, and before that I had only been super serious about this walking/eating right/losing weight thing for 3 days, but I was excited. I felt for sure I should be down AT LEAST A FRIGGIN 1/2 pound or something..I wasn't expecting miracles! But damn it, every ounce of positive thinking, and thoughts of conquering the world burst when I stepped onto that damn scale and the friggin' thing said I was actually UP 3/4 OF A POUND!!!! How the hell does that happen exactly? I have been walking my fat a** off for 5 days straight, 1 - 2 hours a day! Eating substantially less than I normally do, with no junk (ok, so I had some a 100 cal. bag of BAKED lays and a stupid grape slushy)...HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN???!!
I am so frustrated and deflated right now, I think if I wasn't at the library typing this damn message I would cry! Arrgghh!!
Alright, I'm over it..NOT! But I am gonna get my sweaty a** up off of this computer chair at the library, WALK DOWN THE STUPID STAIRS INSTEAD OF USING THE ELEVATOR and stomp all the way home until my feet bleed and fall off! Ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!

