
Welcome to my blog...

What is my blog about? Hmm..Everything, and anything! Whatever I feel like putting out there for everyone. I will probably blog alot about my love of reading, my obsession with nail polish, and whatever else falls in between.

Thanks for stopping by...come again!

Friday, August 19, 2011

feelin' down...

Not much to post lately.  I am feelin' a bit down this week, not sure what exactly is causing it, I think just a combination of things.  My best friends daughter, who I am close to, is moving tomorrow to Ottawa with her boyfriend, she came by today to pick up some stuff and say good bye...felt like saying good bye to one of my own kids...Then my hubby's comp cheque didn't come, they aren't sure why, but said it should be taken care of by the end of next week...Great..they obviously have never tried to live off of one pay cheque before, it's not like we have a nest egg or anything to use..we literally live cheque to cheque (like alot of people) and this is defin. a huge problem for us. Also, I have been trying to find places where my son can get a loan to go to school in California to play ball but there doesn't seem to be any place to do this!  Most places need the school to be on "their list", and Shasta College is a small college, and so far, not on ANY of the lists we have tried...ahhh!! 

Soooo...as you can see, it's been a pretty crappy week for me so far.  The one highlight was when my old time friend, who I haven't seen since my birthday in March came over for a visit (and to hide out from the thunderstorm she THOUGHT was going to happen...LOL).  It was a good visit so I was glad to see she hadn't gotten over her childhood fear of storms!  LOL

Couple of nail blogs are having contests right now, one of them being polish insomniac..you should check her out...

Sending out prayers to my sister and my husbands grandmother...love and kisses your way!

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